oh, to be seen

Jourdan Christopher
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017

This morning, I had a sudden inspiration to write.

It’d been a while since i had such a feeling, so i treated it as a reunion much needed, and prepared to go the distance. I planned it all out — I’d get dressed quickly, rather than being my usual sluggish morning self. I’d then arrive to the office earlier than normal, taking the walk/train ride hybrid, rather than sitting through the longer but completely train-based ride, and i’d write — before anyone or anything could taint the thoughts that were my own. I dressed while prepping my morning playlist, plugging my ears with sounds of my choosing, then left to head to work.

The train pulled up right as I reached the stop. The way I view the cosmos and their power, this meant that I was right on time. I chose my seat, from many options — my stop being among the first, and sat upon my chosen throne. then I fell into a blissful sea of music, re-emerging three songs later to a train more full than the one I’d left. And as my eyes adjusted to people’s presence, her sight connected to mine.

The first glance was of chance, so I quickly dismissed and looked down to the phone that hadn’t rang. But when my head raised again, a fake text reply’s length later, the gaze remained the same. It wasn’t one of general curiosity, more one of a concentrated dose. Though she hadn’t said a single word, I could hear her thought, that driving force that kept her aim in place. she wanted to know me, to know who I am. Or maybe she already did.

Maybe she’d seen a piece of her in me, some sign that we were more the same than not. Some alarm that rang for her, but was muffled, on my end, by melodies chosen to be my focus. music chosen to make me feel as though the soundtrack to my journey was one I, alone, could compose; rather than a set of songs that triggered an emotional ride inspired by memories and past sensations.

Maybe her journey sounded the same, only in a different key.

Had she seen this something in me?



Jourdan Christopher

Jourdan Christopher is a writer and photographer based in Boston, Massachusetts.