Do Job Titles Matter?

The Answer Is Yes No

Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue


NY Job Bureau 1910 Bain News Service — Library of Congress

After several decades in Human Resouces, I have read thousands of resumes. That means countless first interviews. I have also helped hundreds of people find the door.

I wonder if job titles matter that much anymore.

File some paperwork, hire a registered agent, and you are the CEO!
Dial in your customer relations skills and you are a Personal Banker.
Cut 21 lawns this week, and you are a Landscaper. Take charge of an ad agency, and you are now Creative Director.

You get the idea.

I received a call for a position I was working on. The fellow expressed interest in the Financial Analyst position I had on the books. We chatted, it went well. I asked for a resume. Pretty routine.

I opened the email he sent me later in the day. His current job title, Sr. Vice President — Investment Operations. Reading further, I learned he was two years out of university.

NY Job Bureau 1910 Bain News Service — Library of Congress

What accounts for such a meteoric rise? You know the answer, I won’t go there. However, the title conjures a feeling, an air that the guy is a big bopper…



Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue

Douglas Pilarski is an award-winning writer & journalist.