The Art of Protest

Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue
Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2021


The Streets of Portland are Full of Protest Posters

photo by the author

Sparked by the death of George Floyd, protests erupted in cities across the country over the last year. In Portland, protests turned to riots. Protesters were on the streets for more than 200 days straight.

Social justice pushed its way onto center stage. The streets of the Pearl District became the playing field.

Portland has always had a protest culture. The death of George Floyd was the tipping point. Thousands took to the streets to express their anger and distrust of law enforcement.

As people came together to express their feelings, protests turned to riots. Artists took to their medium. The result is real art. Expressing fear, disgust, anger, and endless frustration.

This is the art of protest

George photo by author

We know the story. It is so familiar now that many can recite George’s saga. No telling how many impressions it has made in the last year. The video won’t go away. As a graphic image- this one works.



Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue

Douglas Pilarski is an award-winning writer & journalist.