The Axis of Delicious

Just Say- Good Morning, Chef!

Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue


Photo by Stefan C. Asafti on Unsplash

From food trucks to fine dining, the Chef is the driving force. With cooking and knife skills like you wish you had, a meal prepared by a professional is dining at its best.

If you have not worked in the back, you will not immediately recognize how hard the Chef is working. Notice the conditions they are working in — try standing in front of a broiler for hours, look down at the thermometer in your jacket. It reads 140 degrees.

“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.” — Guy Fieri

Oh, and keep your eye on the ball, plate veal scallopini 88 times, send them to their tables and not have one come back because it was too much of this or not enough of that.

Marvel at how she keeps everything in her head, 33 orders going at once. Never forget the expectations of a paying guest. If you know, you know. A chef is a marvel.

Chefs come to us highly trained, maybe a graduate of Culinary Institute of America, or by way of an apprenticeship in Paris, Tokyo, or Italy. Others have developed skills — taking cues from their environment — in pursuit of delicious self-expression.



Douglas Pilarski
Journal Blue

Douglas Pilarski is an award-winning writer & journalist.