Thinking About Thinking

Carlie Morgan
Journal Entries for Life Talk
1 min readAug 4, 2019

I have never heard of the term “metacognition” before reading these articles, but it seems to be a very useful and important word for a full-time student such as myself.

A college man struggling to study ~ struggling to think about his own thinking.

Metacognition, or thinking about thinking, can be used by teachers in a classroom, a student studying, or any intellect wanting to broaden their knowledge to understand something specific. Not only is it good to know about, but there are ways to put it into practice. Some popular tactics include reviewing notes and then quizzing yourself, asking yourself what you do and do not understand about a topic, and creating your own questions to quiz yourself over.

I feel like if I put metacognition into practice in my own life, my grades could improve and other parts of my life could become easier. It seems to have a ripple effect from what I read in the articles, so it seems like a good tool to use in my life.

