911 !! Please, Please, Please i’m falling

Iqbal Nurdiansyah
Journal Kita
4 min readApr 8, 2024


Dispatcher : 911 here

Caller : 911 please help me !!

Dispatcher : Okay, i need you to stay calm. Can you tell me where you are right now?

Caller : Somewhere i don’t know !!

Dispatcher : Okay, I understand. Can you look around and see if there any landmark or sign that could help us locate you ?

Caller : No, there are no landmarks here. Please hurry up, help me. I don’t know what i shoud do !

Dispatcher : Okay ! I need you to try to remain calm. Can you tell me what kind of emergency situation you’re need of ?

Caller : There’s someone attacking me ! Please !

Dispatcher : I understand, we’re dispatching emergency services to your location right now. Can you desribe the attacker ?

Caller : Yes, a woman. 160 cm, brown eyed, black hair and straight

Dispatcher: Okay, got it. Do you recognize her?

Caller : Yes, i do

Dispatcher : Does she have a weapon ?

Caller : Yes, she has a weapon. Hurry up i’m very panicked right now!!

Dispatcher : Okay. Keep calm, i understand. I want you to take deep breath, and we will send help immediately.

Caller : Yes, Please hurry up !!

Dispatcher : Okay. Can you tell me your location? Try to describe your surroundings as best as you can.

Caller : I’ dont know where this is. I just see in here a lot of flowers

Dispatcher : Are you in the garden ?

Caller : It seems like that.

Dispatcher : Okay, I understand. But i need an address to send help to you right way.

Caller : I don’t know where this is . I can’t use my brain right now.

Dispatcher : Yes, I understand . I hope you remain calm until we can reach you.

Caller : Please, Hurry up !!

Dispatcher : is the attacker approaching ?

Caller : Yes, she’s very close now.

Dispatcher : Okay, stay on the line with me. We will send help immediately. Keep yourself safe and try to find a safe place to hide if possible.

Caller : *gunshoot sound*

Dispatcher : Hello .. ??!! Stay on line Are you okay ? Can you hear me ?

Caller : Please, help me !

Dispatcher : Help is on the way! Keep calm. Keep talking to me. Tell me if you’re injured.

Caller : Please !! she’s shoot me and now i’m falling.

Dispatcher : I understand. Stay with me. We’re doing everything we can to get to you quickly.

Caller : I saw flames

Dispatcher : What did the shooter do to you ? Can you see ?

Caller : Yes, she’s right in front of me.

Dispatcher : Does she have a weapon or anything?

Caller : It seems like she does.

Dispatcher : Okay, stay away from the shooter. Help will arrive soon.

Caller : No, I can’t run from her

Dispatcher : Try to stay calm, get away from there, and find a place to hide.

Caller : she keeps following me, please help me !

Dispatcher : There are many garden in the city, we’re heading there to arrive and save you soon.

Caller : Please !! help me!!

Dispatcher : Stay on the line. Help is coming. Keep yourself as safe as possible.

Caller :How can i do ? I don’t know how i can survive. I’ve been shoot

Dispatcher : Try to stay calm. I understand the situation. Keep talking to me. Are you finding it hard to breathe?

Caller: *breathe sound* Yes, it’s very difficult to breathe.

Dispatcher: I need you to stay with me. Keep talking. You’re doing great. Focus on breathing. Take slow, deep breaths. Help is on its way. You’re not alone in this. Do you still have vision?

Caller: Yes, she’s still in front of me. Wherever i move.

Dispatcher: Has she said anything to you?

Caller: No, she hasn’t said anything. Please help me! save me!!

Dispatcher: Okay, I understand. Stay with me on the line. Try to keep breathing. You’re feeling lightheaded?

Caller: Yes, right now I can’t think. I guess my brain is broken.

Dispatcher: Stay with me. Help is almost there. Can you stand up?

Caller: No, my legs feel very cold.

Dispatcher: Keep talking. Help will arrive soon!

Caller: I can’t hear your siren. Please come a bit faster.!

Dispatcher: Okay, I understand. Try to fight back until help arrives.

Caller: No, I can’t hurt her.

Dispatcher: I understand. Just focus on staying safe.

Caller: I feel like there’s an electric shock running through my body.

Dispatcher: Stay on the line !! What is she doing to you? Does she have any other weapons?

Caller: *gunshooting*

Dispatcher: Hello? Are you still on the line?

Dispatcher: Hello? Are you okay?

Dispatcher: Hello?

Caller: Help me, she shoot me, but not with a gun. It’s something I don’t know. Now, I’m falling into the flames, higher and higher. My body feels like it’s being shocked with 2000 volts of electricity and my heart beats 10 times faster. I think the time has stopped and the wind is blowing faster

Dispatcher: I understand. Try to hold on. Keep talking to me. You’re going to make it through this, I promise. What’s happening?

Caller: I feel like I’m falling in love with her.

Dispatcher: Oh my goodness!

The call is disconnected.

