(ENG) things will not be the same as you want

Journal Kita
3 min readAug 12, 2024


Source : IMDB (Monster, 2023)

Stop relying on your dreamy expectations that are not real.

Sometimes I always know that the most important things in my life don’t always need to be held. It’s better when they’re not in my hands, because if those things really matter, no matter how far they are, they still feel so close. It’s like hugging a cloud, tender yet invisible.

The more I walk, the more I think, and the more I see fish swimming around, casually being themselves, the more I realize humans are too much when it comes to thinking. They spend so much time on things that don’t really matter, hurting themselves without even realizing it.

But maybe that’s why it’s called being human, right? Because no other species can act like us. Perhaps the beauty of being human lies in our complexity. In fact, we can’t seem to stop pushing boundaries and making things more complicated just to satisfy our egos.

When it comes to talking about ego, it becomes endless, so I don’t really want to dwell on that. I want to talk about the things I cannot control. Not everything has to be smooth, not everything can be answered, and not everything needs to be the way I want.

So why am I not cherishing the little things more? Like when my friend helps me and makes me feel appreciated just by talking to me in the middle of an exam. Maybe it feels inappropriate, but to just talk to someone when you never felt seen in the first place feels incredible, right?

Imagine this: you’ve always been under the radar, overlooked, never really seen, and then in the last exam, someone cares about you. That conversation feels genuine, and we talk about things we normally couldn’t, and I still remember that moment to this day.

Maybe from his perspective, it didn’t really matter, and I doubt he remembers us laughing and being goofy during the final exam. But for me, it became one of my core memories. It’s simple, nothing to be proud of, but why is it so impactful to me?

Maybe it’s because when it comes to honesty, I can never resist it. I can’t let go of that pure and wholehearted feeling. It’s like a balloon finally popping, bringing emotions I’ve never felt before. It was good, and maybe if I go back to that moment, it won’t be as good as I remember because in the end, it’s special because it only happened once. I can’t rewind the good things without losing their magic.

The truth is, it just leaves you disappointed because things aren’t the same as your expectations. Humans are always obsessed with unrealistic things, feeling emotions that aren’t even real, wanting something without knowing what they truly want.

So in the end, humans will always be lost, but that’s what makes us special, right?



Journal Kita

His presence has already attracted the attention of many people, regardless of whether those people consider him perfect or not.