Enjoying life and forgetting your name

Journal Kita
3 min readJun 9, 2024


Photo by Paul Matheson on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of my mind, where memories dance like shadows dissolved by long — forgotten flames, I find peace in the art of forgetting. There, amidst the chaos of existence, lies a sanctuary where the shadow of your name fades into oblivion, drowned out by the symphony of life’s eternal rhythm. For in this moment, I am whole, freed from the burden of yesterday’s sorrow or tomorrow’s uncertainty.

I made a choice-to cast off the shackles of the past and embrace the vastness of present existence. And so, with each step forward, I left behind fragments of a life once lived, a life intertwined with your joys and sorrows.

I wander aimlessly through of my mind, tracing the forgotten dreams and shattered illusions. I felt the weight of your memories grow lighter, like a feather lifted by the gentle breeze of forgiveness.

After all the wounds that I had received, I chose to move away to a better life. Forgetting all the things we’ve been through, and trying to forget your name that I always remember without giving space to oblivion. Not because the feeling had faded, but because I chose to never get caught up in the misery anymore.

So, here I am. Letting go of all the things that aren’t for me and trying to enjoy the present moment.

When morning has come, I feel a new energy fill me, moving my steps with certainty and purpose. With a heart full of joy, I step into the new day, ready to face all that is to come with courage and poise.

Recently, I’ve decided to go for a walk every morning before starting other activities. I choose to walk every morning, letting my mind enjoying the beauty of the world around me. Feeling the chilly breeze against my body, stepping onto the endless road for as long as I want before break of dawn.

On that morning walk, I often witnessed moments of human activity that had their own essence of beauty. For example, every morning around 5:30 a.m. I witnessed the people who started their path to work even before dawn. They seemed to show me the resilience, passion, and hope that brought new life to a world that was still sleeping in a dreams.

Photo by Eugenia Clara on Unsplash

They are the pioneers of earnestness, piercing the silence of the night with burning determination. With steadfast steps, they tread the path untraveled by the sun. In the darkness that still shrouds the world, the light of their spirit illuminates the way, radiating the beauty of dedication and determination. Yet, despite the darkness, they carry hope as a lantern, carving stories of courage on the unformed canvas of time.

And so, as I stand here now, on the threshold of a new dawn, I am filled with a sense of admiration and wonder at the beauty of existence. For by letting go of the past, I open myself to the infinite possibilities of the present, each moment born with the promise of a new beginning. And though your name may still linger beneath my consciousness, I choose to focus on the life that unfolds around me, a life where your absence is only a single note in the grand orchestration of the universe.

And though I may forget your name in the real world, but in my subconscious, I know that your imprint will always be present, reminding me of the part of me that was once a part of you.

