Eternal Touch

Calla Lily
2 min readAug 10, 2024


— It’s about someone who admires the moon so much that they either wants to look at it from here, or embrace it in death.

Picture from Pinterest.

Let the moon look at her one last time.

In the quiet of the night, she often found herself staring at the moon, trying to romanticize life with its ethereal glow. The moon, a silent guardian, seemed to watch over her with a serene, distant gaze. She would lose herself in its soft light, dreaming of a life filled with beauty and wonder.

But beneath the surface of her dreams, a darkness stirred. When the moon looked down from up there, she felt a pull, a relentless force drawing her into an abyss of despair. Her thoughts would spiral into a black hole, and she would find herself on the precipice of giving up, contemplating the ultimate escape.

Her faith began to waver, caught in the tug-of-war between her admiration for the moon and her desire to let go of everything. The moon, once a symbol of her romanticized life, now seemed a distant, cold observer, indifferent to her struggles. She was torn between two paths: to abandon the moon she had so loved and seek a new light, or to embrace the darkness and hope to find solace within its cold embrace.

In the end, it was a choice only she could make. Would she find the strength to turn away from the moon and search for a new dawn, or would she surrender to the night, hoping that within its shadows, she might find the peace she so desperately sought? The answer lay in the depths of her heart, where the light of hope still flickered, waiting to guide her through the darkest night.


The moon embraced her, in beauty but also the emptiness: of everything.

She wanders through the twilight, seeking dreams,
Romanticizing life with starry gleams.
Yet when the moon gazes from the sky above,
Her heart trembles, questioning the love.

In the moon's silver light, her worries grow,
A wavering faith, unsure where to go.
To abandon the moon, her guiding star,
Or embrace its glow, despite the scars.

She stands at the crossroads, torn and lost,
Weighing the path, considering the cost.
But in the moon's gentle, knowing light,
She finds a whisper, urging her to fight.

For even in darkness, there's a place to belong,
A harmony in chaos, a soft, quiet song.
So she breathes in the night, with newfound grace,
Choosing to face the moon, and its tender embrace.

Ditulis oleh Cecilia — Calla Lily. Tangerang, 10 Agustus 2024.

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Calla Lily

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