Even though it ended, the story will still be etched.

Scribbles of Ar
Journal Kita
6 min readApr 14, 2024


Photo by KawaiiArt1980 on Pexels

Happy birthday.

He exclaimed that morning, a greeting that sparked surprise within me. With my brain working hard, I tried to unravel the mystery behind those words. The first question that popped into my mind was, “How did he know it was my birthday?” whispered in my thoughts.

However, I didn’t think too much about the many questions initially. With a smile I responded to his birthday wishes, “Thank you so much,” I said while waving a smile.

My journey took me to the classroom, entering a new stage, exactly eighteen years old at that time.

I sat at the front desk, facing the teacher’s desk. That morning, my mind was still trying to absorb all the floating questions, “How could he know if today is my birthday? Even all my friends forgot to congratulate me on my birthday,” I whispered in confusion.

Although various questions filled my mind, I didn’t delve too deeply into them. My answer leaned more towards logic, “Maybe he knew from social media notifications, then met me in front of the class, just giving birthday wishes as a daily ritual.

Yet, another question popped up, “But we rarely interacted before, is it normal to say happy birthday? If we hardly even greet each other.”

There was no other answer from me. Since then, our interactions increased. Greetings became more frequent, whether initiated by me or him, but I enjoyed every moment of it. Was I interested? Not at that moment, but it felt intriguing.

Memories of our meetings and closeness were filled with stories. Sometimes I wondered, when did it happen? Only one memory was clear, when we started interacting through WhatsApp messages, during the school holidays.

My phone rang, indicating a message. I bravely opened the message from the new number. I was always curious about the contents of messages from new numbers, so I quickly opened the message and read a short introductory message with a follow-up question

Have you already returned home?” he asked in the message.

Yes, I’ve been home since earlier, why?” I replied.

Happy holidays. When will you return to the dorm?” he asked.

Thank you.” I replied, feeling puzzled.

I’ll be back a day before the holiday ends,” I replied to the message.

At that moment, my confusion increased. It was the first time I received a message from him, even though we had known each other for two years. His question felt strange, why suddenly wish me a happy holiday, something that had never happened before.

However, our steps together became more intertwined in deeper interactions. Poems of our encounters and stories passed through each message, forming an unforgettable story. Nevertheless, I continued to ponder the question in my mind, “Why?

Days passed, and our interaction through short WhatsApp messages and small talks in front of the class increased. We exchanged stories, shared impressions of daily life, and laughed at light-hearted jokes. Every message that came felt like a hand knocking on the door of my heart. It always made me smile, always made me happy even when in sorrow, I could laugh by reading his short messages.

One day, unexpectedly, he explained his intentions and purposes.

He said, “I need a support system to get through my days, are you willing to be that?

I replied, “Yes, of course I am willing.

I really wanted him to get better. When he said that, I felt happy, but also nervous. We had never really talked about it before, and the questions resurfaced in my mind. How could he be interested in me? Why me? Why does he suddenly want me to be his support system?

Every day we spent together at school. He always smiled when our eyes met, and I always responded with a shy smile. Sometimes I seemed indifferent but actually, I cared. Often, I was confused about how to express everything. He protected me, he always tried to be the best for me. For me, everything he did was an endless painting of honesty, carving an indelible trail of kindness in every second of the journey. He always became an interesting topic for me to secretly tell all my friends without him knowing.

I was still like my old self, a little talkative when I was with him, very shy when near him, and always nervous when he smiled at me. But strangely, I felt more comfortable with him. I always looked for him when he wasn’t around me, I always worried when he left, whatever spell he used, it was clear to me that he was very charming.

Those little things were the beginning of something more than just friendship. Our relationship developed rapidly, although there were doubts at the beginning, I began to feel the growing attraction between us.

Every day was a new adventure and every adventure was happiness for me.

But it wasn’t easy for me to delve into the ocean of feelings with a man who always attracted women like a magnet. His undeniable charm complicated every step I took. His smile was an ornament, often stolen glances by women. His smile, like an eternal painting, manifested from every curve of his lips. He seemed carved from pure beauty. His handsome face, like a piece of art that captivated every eye that beheld it.

Like life in general, not everything went smoothly. There were arguments, misunderstandings, and trials that tested our relationship.

However, we continued to try to overcome every obstacle, because to me, every sweet memory made it all worthwhile.

Until one day, when everything seemed to be going well, he gave me news that shook my heart. He said he had to end this relationship, for reasons that I could very much understand. He contacted me, speaking in a low voice, with a very polite tone and said that he felt this relationship no longer brought him happiness like before.

Honestly, I felt shattered into pieces, I was heartbroken this time, but he promised to always be there for me if I needed him. Everything was difficult for me, it felt like a nightmare and I wanted to wake up from it as soon as possible. It felt like a storm in my life. But I thought we could still support each other and try to stay connected, but it turned out that it wasn’t easy with our relationship like this.

After this relationship ended, as time passed, perhaps the feelings he had also began to fade. The once intense communication began to dim, and it seemed we couldn’t even exchange stories anymore. I felt as if we were growing apart, as if there was a thick wall dividing us.

Although I tried to understand and accept it, my heart still hurt. I tried to forget all the sweet memories, but each memory continued to haunt me. Our relationship ended, but its shadows continued to follow my steps.

Now he has slipped away from my sky, turning into a rainbow that freely adorns anyone’s sky.

I tried to move forward. I gathered with friends, focused on education, pursued career dreams, and sought happiness in small things. Although the parting was difficult, I knew it was part of life. As I walked, I carried all those sweet memories, as if they gave me strength to continue and provided many lessons for my journey.

Although the relationship ended, I am grateful for all the experiences we shared. Every smile, every laughter, every sorrow, every pain, every story, and every life lesson that shaped me. Although the relationship has ended, its memories never fade. Always sweet to remember, always enjoyable to tell, always hesitant to forget. Even though it ended.


