Everything Else is Just an Excuse

Journal Kita
2 min readJun 1, 2024


Minari (2020) — Pict from Pinterest

I’ve heard people say they intend to do something, but in reality, it’s just talk. Some believe that having the intention is what matters, and it’s true — intention is the first step of any action. But what happens if it stops at intention? We’re often advised to focus on someone’s intention rather than just their actions or what they give.

However, as humans, we can’t see or measure someone’s intentions. What standard or tool could we use? Personally, I think intention is a mental activity that occurs in the mind and can only be seen through the effort put forth. So, I think it’s fair to judge someone by how hard they try.

Moreover, the gap between success is often about whether we are willing or not. I know sometimes, despite our best efforts, we encounter obstacles that are unbeatable. The inability factor refers to things beyond human control and God’s will.

Yet, when we decide to ‘want’ to do something, we usually find a way to make it happen. Even if it’s difficult, there will be a path, as my favorite verse always reminds me:

“…with hardship, there is ease…” (Q.s 94:5–6).

On the other hand, I also realize that we often create invisible barriers that block our efforts. These barriers come in the form of procrastination and self-doubt. We often say “later” or “but” — like “Oh, I’ll do it later” or “but you see, I have this other thing” — and these excuses accumulate, creating an impenetrable wall of inaction. This behavior is like a fog that obscures our path and makes the goal seem unreachable.

“The moment you give up, you start to look for excuses. The moment you think you can do it, you find a way.” — Dr. Romantic S2

In the end, when someone truly intends to do something, they will strive for it. Even if they fail, they won’t be too disappointed because it will be clear that they tried. I remember a time when I wanted to learn a new skill but kept putting it off. It wasn’t until I committed to a small, daily practice that I began to see progress. This taught me that true intention is always followed by action.

So, if you really ‘want’ something, you will make an effort, and “everything else is just an excuse.”

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