Fading Echoes

Vidiana Tryartha
Journal Kita
4 min readJun 24, 2023


The Object of My Affection (1998)

In the charming town of Willowbrook, Emily has many memories of this town, where she experienced a life intertwined with songs that held both sweet and bitter memories as well as one-sided romantic feelings. She was known for her melancholic spirit and trapped in the world of heartbreak until one fateful day when she coincidentally met a man by the name of Matthew. Matthew could easily be defined as Mr. “Perfectly Fine” — he was handsome and charming. On the other hand, underneath his composed demeanor lay a heart that incessantly sought solace in the arms of others. In their account lies a story of unexpressed truths and lost connections.

A whirlwind romance with Mr. “Perfectly Fine” caused Emily to fall deeply in love. Their romance began with sweet promises and stolen glances, but as time went on, Emily couldn’t shake the feeling that she was merely a rebound for Matthew, and her heartache only deepened as she discovered the truth.

Being stuck in a tornado of mixed feelings led her to adopt the name Ms. “Misery”. Suddenly she was entangled in a love triangle that she never sought, and again and again Mr. “Always at the Right Place at the Right Time” continued to keep her hanging on while concealing the truth behind his actions, but his casual cruelty made it clear that he had no regard for the pain she experienced. The sorrow of never really being chosen and always coming in second place weighed heavily on her heart. She had only wished for a love reserved only for her and an everlasting connection beyond Matthew’s transitory affections.

As time went by in their relationship, Emily came to the realization that she was now known as Ms. “Here to Stay” and felt imprisoned by a never-ending cycle of heartache and uncertainty. The process carried on, and Emily soon grasped that she couldn’t withstand the agony any further. For the cycle of pain and heartache in their toxic relationship to cease, either one of them had to make a decision. She recognized that he was always at the right place at the right time, using his charm to keep her entangled in their ill-fated romance, but acknowledging that this pattern needed closure for her own sake with deep sadness in her heart, she said goodbye unto Matthew and convinced it was time eliminate tenure as Ms.”Misery” altogether since feeling deserving of so much better than existing perpetually unhappy.

In a heartfelt letter to Mr. “Perfectly Fine,” she expressed her anguish and disappointment. Conveying her sadness at discovering that he remained unchanged and continuously pursued the affection of another person. She made it clear before that becoming someone’s rebound wasn’t what she wished for. However, Matthew’s behavior has made her just that which has resulted in feelings of emptiness and being trapped in a repeating cycle of pain. Her question about the state of his heart was fueled by wonder at how he could break hers so callously. In those letters, she admits that it is possible for him to never fully understand the profoundness of his actions.

“Dear Mr “Perfectly Fine”.

Hey there, it’s me, I’m Ms. “Misery”. How’s your heart doing? I know you already had someone occupying your heart. She’s quite lovely by the way. When we had a brief romance, I’m certain you already had someone else. That’s why I’m sad to learn you never change since the last time we’ve met. I always mentioned this to you “I never wanted to be a rebound”, yet you made me into some kind of rebound when you don’t have a certain someone in Willowbrook. I never felt so numb like this and you always make me Ms. “Here to stay”.

Really, I want to know how’s your heart after breaking mine? Mr. “always at the right place at the right time”. Mr. “Never told me why”, why you always make me wait for you when I know that someday I will be alright because I know this cycle won’t end till one of us puts a stop to this relationship.

So, goodbye Mr. “Casually cruel” Mr. “Everything revolves around you”. I’ve been Ms. “Misery” for the last time. And you’re Mr. “Perfectly fine”, you’re perfectly fine because you never shown any remorse for any of your actions. I’m going to end this letter by saying, you said to me you never go away but I know you will be gone in an instant one day.

With a blend of grief and newfound resilience, Emily bid adieu for good to Mr. “Perfectly Fine.” She knew deep down that his departure was inevitable, but this time around, she vowed to overcome the lingering traces of their romance. As Emily closed the chapter on her love story with Mr. “Perfectly Fine”, she couldn’t help but wonder about the state of his heart. Does he ever realize the extent of the pain he has caused? Is it likely that he will continue on his path of leaving a trail of broken hearts? Is she ever considered to be someone special by him? One thing was obvious: realizing that at some point in time, she would indeed be alright because of the fact that she believed herself worthy of somebody who would treasure and give importance to her instead of making her feel ignored or left behind.

As Emily concluded her heart-breaking story, she moved forward and left behind the reverberations of a love that was never supposed to happen. Emily gradually recovered from the wounds inflicted by Mr. ”Perfectly Fine” and found solace in the knowledge that she would eventually be okay. Her name reverberated through Willowbrook as a testament to being a girl who had finally unearthed her worth and unlocked the bravery needed for self-liberation. And in the fading echoes of their tumultuous romance, Emily discovered a new melody — one of resilience, self-love, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

