Falling and Soaring: You’re not Failing

Journal Kita
2 min readJun 8, 2024


The sky from my room that evening.

The warmth of the sun touched my skin with a gentle caress, its rays soothing my shoulders and illuminating my eyes with a soft glow. Meanwhile, for a moment, this journey doesn’t feel tiresome but rather resembles a dream, with the music playing in the background compels me to dance and leap in joy like a child.

As I gazed up at the sky, I watched the birds flying freely, as if they were mocking the mechanical birds tied to the paths set by humans. They dance gracefully, sing joyfully, and appear so content flying high above the expansive sky, playing amidst soft white cotton candy that gently brushes against their feathers.

Their presence sparked a question in my mind. Despite their apparent skill in flight and ability to navigate without a map. I wondered: had they ever experienced getting lost and falling?

My thoughts were carried back to the time when a young bird accidentally collided with my window and fell. Maybe it had lost its way and become disoriented in my backyard before falling because it accidentally hit the glass. The young bird might not have failed, but simply because it was still learning and needed time to practice.

The birds soaring in the sky must have experienced many falls before becoming experts. Perhaps they are not so different from humans, having felt fear themselves. They might have lost. They have likely experienced numerous falls and even broken wings. Yet, they persist in learning to fly again. Perhaps both you and I need several attempts before we can truly succeed.

”No matter how high or far you fly, you’re bound to fall at some point. It’s not flying itself that matters but how well you fall. That’s why flying well means falling well.” — Kim Doosik / Moonsan (Moving — 2023)

This reminds me that flying is not just about how far or high you go, but how skillfully you can land without harm despite the obstacles along the journey.

Falling does not always signify failure; even birds need to land to rest. Everyone experiences falls. However, what truly matters is how well we can land when we fall — landing safely and with minimal injury will enable us to continue flying better. It will help us soar even farther and higher in the future.

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