How do I thank my mother for giving me the life she desperately wanted for herself?

Journal Kita
3 min readAug 28, 2024



In every smile I put on, in every colorful moment of my life, I felt the presence of a woman who always stood behind me. My mother. She is someone who gave more than just life; she gave her dreams, her hopes, and a whole part of herself to make me into the person she dreamed of becoming.

In a world that's full of words and phrases, sometimes it's hard to find one phrase that can truly reflect the depth of my gratitude. I want to scream at the blue sky, sharing with everyone how amazing she is, but words never seem to be enough. Every second of my life is the result of priceless sacrifices, and I often get caught up in the wonder of how she could give everything for me, when she may only have a little.

I imagine the times when she put everything on the side for my sake. How she chose not to think of herself, how she was willing to postpone her dreams to see me achieve everything. Maybe there were times when she wanted something better for herself, but she chose to give it all up for me. I often wondered, how could she do it with so much love and sincerity?

When I look back, I see how she shaped every part of my life with her gentle touch. From my first steps to the little achievements I made, everything was part of her loving plan. Every sacrifice she made, every moment she waited silently, has shaped me into who I am. What can I do to repay that?

One thing I've learned is that gratitude doesn't always require a grand statement. Sometimes, just living life to the fullest and showing that I appreciate what she has given is the best way to express my gratitude.

I strive to live a meaningful life, make wise decisions, and be someone she is proud of. Perhaps there is no more appropriate way to appreciate her sacrifice than by showing that I make the best use of everything she has given to me.

I’ve also learned that, in every achievement I have, there is a trace of my mother’s love and sacrifice. Every time I achieve something, I know that it is the result of the prayers and hopes that she has pinned on each of my steps. And when I face difficulties, I feel the strength that she instilled in me. Like a seed that grows into a strong tree, I am the fruit of her endless love and struggle.

Ultimately, I would like to say that although the words can never truly capture the entirety of my gratitude, I hope that my actions and life choices can reflect the depth of my appreciation and love for her. She has given me the life that she dreamed of for herself, and by living my life with love and purpose, I hope that it will be the most precious gift that I can give back to her.

