i hope you can fly higher. even if it’ll cost my wing to do so.

inside nab’s mind
Journal Kita
2 min read5 days ago


Source: https://pin.it/5NaVCY6ho

I don’t express my love for my siblings that much. It’s unfamiliar in my family to just outward say that we love each other, afterall. Instead, we show it through actions.

I may not tell my siblings that I love them through words, but I try my best to show it through what I do. I just hope that it’s enough for them to realize that.

I truly hope that they’ll achieve their dreams. Escape this city. Make their name known to society. Prove to those people that they are indeed capable.

It’s funny because I’m someone who treasures my belongings. I obsess over taking care of them and making sure no one steals them.

Yet, if I were asked to sacrifice them just for the sake for my siblings to be better, to be closer to their goal, I’m quite sure that I’d give anything I have.

There’s certainly something poetic about sacrificing something you cherish for the sake of your beloved ones. Like, yes, I love this but I love you more.

But, at the end of the day, my siblings and i are still a human being.

Sometimes, we let anger take over ourselves. Sometimes, we say things that we don’t mean. Sometimes, we hurt each other.

It has crossed my minds a few times, whether have i ever made either my sister or my brother to even wish that they didn’t have an older sister like me.

I do hope that doesn’t happen often. As cheesy as it sounds, I do treasure them. My life would be much more lonelier, being all by myself.

They have so many great things waiting ahead of them. They are capable and I’m sure of it.

If I could, I’d take away all their doubts and anxieties.

I’d take away all those terrible moments in which their achievements were compared to mine.

I’d turn myself into a carbon copy of those textbook loving sister who doesn’t have a procrastinating or anger management problem.

But what ifs are just what ifs. My siblings and I aren’t perfect and that’s totally fine. In that way, we can be imperfectly perfect together, right?

I may be harsh, but as cliche as it sounds, I’m only doing this because I love them. Mostly because I’m concerned, though.

I hope that my siblings’ hard-works will result in something sweet and worth it. I hope that they’ll grow to become a much, much better person than me. N and G, fly as high as possible.



inside nab’s mind
Journal Kita

currently 16 and confused | digital diary ✉️ contact me on insta: @whosnabilah