I pray until then,…

Maulida Khansa
Journal Kita
May 6, 2024


The further I wander, the more memories nestle.

Despite the common saying, ‘what happened in the past stays in the past’ — it never truly works like that, does it?

What occurred in the past remains eternally within me;

in my handwriting,

an elbow scar,

the way I perceive things

and how I play the guitar.

Some memories soothe, while others are too painful to revisit.

But the past remains unchanged; it doesn’t matter if we yearn to relive it or resent it.

The journey of letting go and forgiveness never has a shortcut.

I pray until then, let’s be stronger.

it takes time to bloom — as well as heal.



Maulida Khansa
Journal Kita

I love—and kill—through words. || The pictures here are all taken by me unless stated otherwise.