If Heaven Doesn’t Exist, My Mother Deserve Another After Life

Journal Kita
1 min readJun 30, 2024


Photo by Anton Luzhkovsky on Unsplash

God, if heaven doesn’t exist. Please let my mother have a better after life, even though I would never existed there.

In every religion, I always heard the word heaven. If my mother apparently not good enough to go to heaven, I would like to beg on my knees. God, please, you can burnt me to recompense her sin. You can take everything in me, but please promise me to take my mother to heaven.

She suffered and sacrificed too much. The sparks in her are gone, just to feed me with love and warmness. What did I do to deserve this much from her? She has done much labor in her entire life. I just wanted to see a curved line on her lips, forevermore.

God, please let her blood, sweat, and tears turned into a happiness someday. Because every flowers, poems, and gifts I offered to her would never be enough to return everything she did for me.

Shit is written with tears coming down from my eyes. I had nightmare and my pre-menstrual hormones just kicked in. I love my mother. I really do. I just want her happiness and nothing else matters to me.

