Insecurity Auction

Juang Bhakti Hastyadi
Journal Kita
3 min readApr 7, 2024


“Sharing our burdens, a chance to connect”

We all know them, don’t we? Those little shadows that flit around the edges of our hearts. The fear of messing up that makes our palms sweat, the voice that whispers doubts in our ear, the anxiety that makes us want to shrink back. These are our insecurities, the unwanted companions that act as roadblocks on our journeys..

But what if I told you these very shadows could be the key to unlocking a hidden treasure? A treasure chest of connection, empathy, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other. Imagine a world where insecurities aren’t something to hide away, but something to share in a safe and supportive space. A world where we gather, not to boast about possessions, but to participate in a beautiful experiment — The Insecurity Auction..

image by GDJ at Pixabay

Sounds strange, right? But here’s the beauty: by walking a mile (or maybe just a few steps) in someone else’s metaphorical shoes, the winner could develop a powerful sense of empathy. Stepping outside their own comfort zone might shatter preconceived notions and create a deeper understanding of another’s struggles. Perhaps they’ll discover their own anxieties aren’t so unique, sparking a sense of shared humanity.

For the original owner, there’s the potential for a cathartic release. Externalizing an insecurity by “selling” it might create distance from its grip. By seeing it as a separate entity, they could gain a new perspective, weakening its hold. Imagine the relief of facing your fear of heights vicariously through someone else — maybe those mountains don’t seem so daunting

Now, who would pay for taking on someone else’s anxieties? It’s a fascinating concept. While a very common fear like public speaking might not be highly valued, a more unique insecurity could be seen as more valuable precisely because of its rarity. However, the true value may not be monetary at all. Sharing insecurities could create a new form of social connection — being vulnerable enough to open up leads to stronger bonds between people. Just imagine finding someone who can relate to your fear of butterflies (yes, that’s a real thing), instantly forming a connection over what seems like a silly worry.

the Insecurity Auction reminds us that our worries and self-doubts are not flaws we should be ashamed of. Rather, they provide an entry point for fostering greater human understanding and acceptance of each other’s quirks. Experiences like impostor syndrome or pre-event jitters are universally felt. These common struggles connect us far more than they divide us.

While insecurities can be uncomfortable, they often spur personal growth by forcing us to face challenges head-on and build resilience. Overcoming fears breeds a sense of pride and confidence that extends to other areas of life. The Insecurity Auction provides a supportive space to fight those nagging doubts,

In our increasingly digital world where personal bonds can paradoxically feel more tenuous, the auction serves as a return to face-to-face vulnerability. By creating space to share our worries, we starve them of the power they hold when bottled up inside. A fear said out loud loses its teeth. We realize just how irrational some of those limiting beliefs really are. And we open channels for others to provide reassurance and advice grounded in personal experience.

While a real-life Insecurity Auction might be a stretch, the underlying message is heartwarming. Our vulnerabilities, instead of being walls, could become pathways.. By acknowledging them and fostering empathy, we can build stronger connections and create a more supportive world. So next time your insecurities bubble up, remember: they might hold the key to a deeper understanding, both of yourself and the wonderful, wonderfully weird people around you.



Juang Bhakti Hastyadi
Journal Kita

Space enthusiast with a profound love for the cosmos and all its wonders