it is what it is

if you can’t change it; you just have to accept it.

Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2024


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Sometimes shit happens and we can’t change that, and accepting them can make us stronger. Seeing something for what it is or accepting every situation as non-threatening is magnificent. We all agree that talking is easier than doing. However, accepting that something happens because of our behavior or response isn’t easy. It is simple, but it isn’t easy.

In life, we often get what we are given, not what we want. This can be frustrating, but if we sometimes get what we truly desire, it is a bonus. It shows that hard work pays off. By focusing on the present, we can better deal with our problems instead of worrying about the past.

Be present and deal with the problems, not the past.

My mother often asks me about the girls I introduce to her. She cares about their hobbies, dreams, and attitudes, not their family background, wealth, or looks. Because it is what it is. You can’t choose your parents, how rich you are, how pretty, or how tall you are. What truly defines you is what you can change and how you change it.

I believe that many things in life are beyond our control.

Accepting reality is not a sign of weakness. It’s a chance to grow. For example, if you get a bad grade, it might feel bad, but accepting it and thinking about what you can do better next time is a smart move. Choosing not to dwell on the past is also acceptance — seeing what is as it is. You have a bad grade, and you need to do something about it. Acceptance means seeing things as they are and making choices ahead.

It helps us learn from our mistakes instead of feeling sorry for ourselves.

If you feel unlucky in life, struggle at work, or have relationship problems, remember that some things are out of our control. It just is what it is. While you can’t change everything, you can decide how to respond. You can always grow and learn from these experiences. Living with mistakes and dealing with them is part of life. These challenges are your present and your chance to shape your future.

Make it right by doing something you won’t regret.

