It’s okay to be miserable sometimes

Prasasti Soebekti
Journal Kita
2 min readAug 23, 2024


Credit to Pinterest

The world is cruel enough to teach me some strength, it's horrible enough to make me be fierce. It demands me to become strong and perfect the whole time. In fact, sometimes it’s hard for me to even get up. Why do i have to survive, why do i have to go through this? i don’t even have right to become sad, or right to become exhausted.

The world just won’t wait for me to be okay.

The world will not pick me up when i fall apart, it won’t make me whole when i shattered into pieces. Why do i have to listen to the world the whole time?

When the world becoming so cruel, what matter the most is how i treat myself.

If the world can’t give myself an enough empathy, I will

That’s why I always remind myself that it is okay to be miserable sometimes.

Why do I have to be strong the whole time and hide my flaw? I’m flawless with imperfection

Why do I have to suppress my sadness? it what makes me human

Why can’t I be weak? my life has ups and down

Why does the world have to dictate my feeling? my strength?

It is my life I’m living, it is my feeling that i feel

Most of us always be so afraid to become miserable, we are afraid that others will see our weak side. We want to look flawless, strong, independent, diligent, perfect.

Life is such a huge roller coaster of time; it goes through many ups and downs. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for being brave enough riding that roller coaster. So, why do we often blame ourselves when we feel dizzy sometimes riding that roller coaster?

Don’t be too harsh to yourself

If it feels hard, it's okay to rest

It always okay to seek support

“Hey, you’re doing great for yourself and that’s all that matter. what important is that you become kind to yourself and aware about how you feel. don’t push yourself too hard, your lovely self deserve a good rest too”

Even diamond will brake if it faces pressure it cannot endure.

It's okay, you don't always have to be the strong one, you don't always have to be nice to anyone and any situation.

All you have to do is to be a kind human being.

Most importantly, be kind to yourself.

Let yourself be miserable, cry your heart out, let out that pathetic feeling that has always been a burden to your heart.

But then, don’t forget to rise up again and again. treat yourself some hearty meal, take a walk in nature, write a journal, or do whatever you passionate about.

