It’s perfectly okay to take an academic leave

Juang Bhakti Hastyadi
Journal Kita
4 min readMar 17, 2024


The relentless pace of college can feel like a high-speed train hurtling towards an unknown destination. We’re constantly bombarded with messages about pushing through, grinding it out, and never giving up. But what if, amidst the chaos, we forget a crucial truth: it’s perfectly okay, even necessary at times, to take an academic leave.

Try to Think: an academic leave not as a surrender, but as a strategic pause button. It’s a chance to step off the speeding train for a while, catch your breath, and address any underlying issues that might be hindering your progress. Maybe you’re facing a personal challenge, a loss in the family, or a struggle with mental health. Maybe the relentless pursuit of good grades has morphed into a suffocating sense of obligation, sapping the joy out of learning itself. An academic leave allows you to address these concerns head-on, prioritizing your well-being without jeopardizing your academic dreams.

Think of education as a winding path, not a straight and narrow one. Sometimes, the path takes unexpected turns, and that’s perfectly alright. Taking a leave doesn’t mean giving up; it means acknowledging your needs and taking steps towards a healthier, happier you. It demonstrates self-awareness, maturity, and a willingness to invest in your own well-being, which ultimately translates to a more fulfilling academic journey

The benefits of an academic leave are numerous. For one, it allows you to prioritize your well-being. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or even physical health issues, a leave can provide the space and time to seek the help you need. It can be incredibly difficult to juggle academic demands with underlying mental health concerns. Stepping back allows you to focus on getting better, which will ultimately benefit your studies as well.

Secondly, a leave can be a powerful tool for rediscovering your passion for learning. When grades become the sole focus, the intrinsic joy of exploration and intellectual growth can easily get lost. Taking a break allows you to breathe, to rediscover the subjects that truly ignite your curiosity. You might spend this time reading books outside your curriculum, delving into online courses on topics that fascinate you, or even volunteering in a field related to your studies. By immersing yourself in learning without the pressure of grades, you’ll likely return with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

Furthermore, an academic leave can be an opportunity for personal growth and exploration. Use this time to travel, broaden your horizons, and experience different cultures. Volunteer in your community, learn a new skill, or even work in a field that interests you. These experiences, beyond the classroom, can equip you with valuable life skills, build resilience, and provide you with a fresh perspective. You might discover hidden talents, develop a new passion, or gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

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Finally, returning after a leave can feel like starting anew. With a clearer mind, a renewed sense of focus, and a deeper appreciation for your studies, you’ll be well-positioned to excel academically. The break will have allowed you to recharge, address any underlying issues, and return with a newfound determination. You might find yourself approaching your studies with a renewed sense of purpose, tackling even the most challenging coursework with a renewed sense of optimism and energy.

Taking a leave might seem daunting, and it’s certainly not a decision to be made lightly. However, it shouldn’t be shrouded in shame or considered a sign of weakness. If you’re considering taking a leave, the most important step is to have open and honest conversations with your trusted support network. Talk to your academic advisor, who can help you navigate the process and ensure a smooth return. Reach out to family and friends, who can provide emotional support and encouragement during this time. By openly communicating your needs and concerns, you’ll find the support you need to feel empowered throughout this process.

Remember, your education is a marathon, not a sprint. Taking a break to recharge and refocus isn’t a setback, it’s a strategic move towards achieving your academic goals with greater clarity and purpose. By prioritizing your well-being, you’ll be setting yourself up for a more fulfilling and enriching academic journey. So, don’t be afraid to hit the pause button when you need to. Your well-being and your academic success are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they are closely intertwined. Give yourself the space you need to thrive, both personally and academically.



Juang Bhakti Hastyadi
Journal Kita

Space enthusiast with a profound love for the cosmos and all its wonders