Letter for my future self

A simple letter, so I don’t forget

Gilang Adam
Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

My dearest me,

The shadow self is a part of you.

Shadow self equals demon self.

You have demons that you wish you didn’t have, but they are also a part of you. To get rid of the demon self, you would have to get rid of yourself, and that is impossible.

Therefore, you have to accept your current demon self.

Demons can be physical, mental, or other vices that you do not like. It’s whatever feels “missing” in you.

For example, many aspects of your body might not seem perfect, right? Don’t believe it?

Look in the mirror. There has to be at least one thing there you wish were different.

Height? Weight? Shape? Color? Size? Length? And so on.

Then there are other traits: abilities. Lots of imperfections.

Strength? Endurance? Intelligence? Wealth? Upbringing? Charisma? Confidence?

And virtues: kindness? Altruism? Faith? Humility? Patience?

Nothing is lacking from you, but at the same time nothing is perfect.

These are all your shadows, your demons. They are a part of you.

Keep being you. Accept the demon shadow of imperfection.

You have the ability to try, to grow, to progress.

Until you die and vanish, your shadows and demons will exist and walk upon this earth, with your feet, with the body you call self, with the sense of identity you embody.

Your duty, your sole moral duty, is to accept all of who you are so you can act on improving step by step and not get lost in regret for not trying to improve in the end.

If you’re feeling like you’re in hell and progress is not possible, it is your duty to make peace with yourself and with hell in general. You are in your own heaven.

You are not operating from an outer hell, but from an inner heaven. You are calm and satisfied with yourself because you are at peace with Satan itself.

You have hell and heaven, angels and demons inside you.

They are part of you and you are at peace with them both because you are none of them.

You are a human being.

