Letting Go is Also Part of Loving

Scribbles of Ar
Journal Kita
3 min readJun 22, 2024


Photo by Freepik

Not everything that is loved must be possessed. And not everything that is desired has to be ours. Because sometimes, even what we already have can be taken by someone else or might leave on its own. When that happens, what else can we do but let go? It’s not easy to let go or give up what we cherish or what has long been ours, but we must do it anyway.

The journey to acceptance is a long process. In my case, it started with anger that I could only keep to myself, crying every night for a whole year, praying for him to come back but he never did. Only after that could I finally say, “Is it time for me to let go of everything?” Yes, letting go feels as hard as moving on.

Letting go is part of loving because, in true love, there is a deep acceptance of the reality that we cannot always have everything we want. Mature love understands that forcing our will is not the path to true happiness, either for ourselves or for the person we love. Therefore, letting go is a way for both to grow, finding different paths with other people perhaps.

Letting go does not mean we stop loving. On the contrary, it shows the maturity of our love. When we are able to let go of someone or something we love, we are actually showing deeper respect and affection. We acknowledge that his happiness might not always align with our desires. His happiness might not be with us but with someone else. It would be selfish, wouldn’t it, to demand him to stay with us if he is not happy? By letting him go willingly, we give him the space to find his own path and happiness.

Letting go takes time and patience. It is a process that cannot be forced or hurried. Sometimes, we need to go through complex emotional phases, such as anger, sadness, and regret, before finally reaching the stage of acceptance. This process is a natural part of the journey towards letting go, and every step we take brings us closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our love.

As we learn to let go, we also learn about our inner strength. We realize that we can face loss and find new happiness, even without the presence of the person or thing that once meant so much to us. Letting go teaches us that true happiness does not depend on possession, but on our ability to love sincerely, unconditionally, and without excessive attachment.

In letting go, we find freedom. Freedom from the chains of unfulfilled desires and freedom to love in a healthier and wiser way. We learn that love is not about possession, but about giving space for growth, both for ourselves and for the person we love. And ultimately, we understand that letting go is the purest and truest form of love.


