Living The Sitcom Life

Journal Kita


Source: Vocalmedia

It all started with me reading a quote about feeling lost in your twenties. I forget the exact quote, but it goes something like this: Don’t worry about being lost in your twenties, “Friends” and “How I Met Your Mother” took seasons for the protagonist to find their way to be and feel settled. As someone who watch both shows, it makes much more sense.

No one told me that life was gonna be this way. And that, includes to have the chance in experiencing both sitcom with different circle groups. I have some circles of peers who are actively doing the “Have you met Ted?” to the Teds in each group. We would still have our own live outside waiting for “Ted” meeting the spouse and we will go back to that bench and talk about what we’ve encountered. Aside from that, there’s also the Friends circle group. We have our own Central Perk. Somehow, we find ways to meet up, get caught up with each other stories, and the rest is history. We don’t live in the same building nor the same apartment though, but the bond feels like that — take it from somehow who used to have a roommate for 4 years.

By having surrounded with them, I feel seen. I also start to see the quirks and their skins better than the friends who I rarely meet. The constant (and sudden) meet ups make me feel like I’m living in those sitcoms. With all the various characters, unique problems, and places to hang out. The sitcom scenario is starting to make sense for me: settling down does take seasons. And after years of just watching those sitcoms to feel something, I am now living in one — or some. They make me feel and I’m grateful for that.



Journal Kita

usually, i write more than this short bio. say hi through my ig/tw: @firnnita