Most People

Journal Kita
3 min readJul 30, 2024


credits from Pinterest

I am not like most people
Sometimes I could cry just by reading a paragraph
Sometimes I could lose inside my own thoughts
And stay there for a while until an hour had passed
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
Sometimes I could listen to one song for months
Until it easily becomes the top one on my repeat
Sometimes I could laugh my ass off
Remembering certain jokes that I have heard in the past
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
Sometimes I could stay awake due to my own excitements
Closing my eyes for the sakes of respect that I have towards time
Sometimes I could crave for sweets in the middle of night
Just to cleanse the savory flavor on my tongue
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
I like Hawaiian Pizza
Like the way the pineapples scrapped away
All the greasiness of the mozzarella cheese and the meats
I cannot drink coffee
But I love them enough to cheat myself once in a while
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
I can feel people’s feelings just by looking at their eyes
I know when people are lying to me
I am able to feel things way out of normal people did
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
I do not cry at funerals
But instead wonder about life
And how death is not the end of journey
I tend to dwell on what ifs
Overthinking about what could have been
If I live certain ways
Born certain ways
Grown up certain ways
I am weird like I am telling you

I am not like most people
Sometimes I long for the rain to fall
Puddles under my feet
Just to fill up my desire of melancholy
Sitting near the big glass window
Just to see the water falling like a waterfall
I am weird like that I am telling you

I am not like most people
When I remember the people who have left
People who have gone to the heavens
I silently pray for them
Wishing they could finally be at peace
No longer need to feel the pain
This world has to offer
I am weird like that I am telling you

I know I am not like most people
I could try and be normal
Speaking in the way people wanted me to
Dressing myself in a more fashionable way
Spending less time inside my own thoughts and daydreams
Stopping myself from wondering about the future
Starting to behave within the society’s norm
But I am weird like that I am telling you
Full of flaws and quirkiness
And I hope you accept those
With an open heart and warm embrace

Because isn’t that what make us lovable?



Journal Kita

a good menace. if you are intrigued, connect with me on instagram @alittarizki