Mother’s Love

Vidiana Tryartha
Journal Kita
3 min readDec 24, 2023


me n my mummy

As the calendar turns its pages to the day that we call “Mother’s Day,” a special day adorned with sentiments of gratitude, love, and appreciation, the air becomes infused with a sense of reverence. Mother’s Day, a celebration that transcends borders and cultures, is a poignant reminder of the extraordinary role mothers play in our lives. This annual occasion serves as an opportunity to reflect on the immeasurable impact of maternal love and the profound lessons learned through the lens of a mother’s nurturing gaze.

As Mother’s Day approaches, I find myself delving into articles and books about motherhood. My relationship with my mother, though sometimes complicated, is a tapestry woven with threads of understanding and growth. Hearing the reasons behind certain moments from the past has become a bridge, connecting the chapters of my life with the untold stories of my mother’s journey. Each revelation brings forth a deeper comprehension of the complexities of motherhood, adding hues to the canvas of our shared history.

My earliest memories are interwoven with the warmth of my mother’s embrace, a sanctuary that provided solace during times of uncertainty and joy during moments of triumph. Even in the midst of disagreements and arguments, her love remained an unwavering constant. It’s a love that transcends the limitations of spoken words, a silent force that weaves through the fabric of our daily lives.

Her love, like a perennial river, flows ceaselessly, shaping the landscape of my existence. It has carved valleys of resilience and mountains of compassion, creating a terrain rich with the lessons only a mother’s heart can teach. The sacrifices made, the challenges faced, and the victories celebrated — all find their place in the mosaic of her love, a love that has weathered storms and basked in the warmth of countless sunrises.

cheeky vidi n mummy

Mother’s Day becomes a canvas to paint our admiration and gratitude for the masterpiece that is our mothers. It’s a day to express the appreciation that often goes unspoken in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As I select a card and carefully choose words that attempt to capture the enormity of my feelings, I realize that no language can fully encapsulate the depth of a mother’s love. It’s a love that transcends the boundaries of comprehension, an emotion that defies the constraints of expression.

On this special day, as we celebrate mothers around the world, let us not only acknowledge their role in our lives but also cherish the lessons embedded in the very fabric of their love. Mother’s Day is more than a mere observance; it is an invitation to pause, reflect, and honor the symphony of love that reverberates through generations. So, to all the mothers who have composed and continue to compose the beautiful melodies of our lives, Happy Mother’s Day. May your love continue to shape the world with its timeless and enduring beauty.

love u always, mummy 💕

