my Dorothea

A thousand of memories in a stranger.

nazilah achmad
Journal Kita
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

This year, I’ll be turning into twenty three. As I look back to my life, some things really changed. People come and go, cliché as it sounds but unfortunately it is the truth.

I just graduated and got my law degree last April. It leads me to think that I have successfully reached my own milestones and contemplate to make another one. Another life-achievement so I still have the reason to live.

The more I think about the present and future, the further it pulls me to my past lives. It feels like I just can’t leave it behind like that. The people and memories in it, are still alive in my head.

Everytime I reminisce about it, it reminds me of the closest friend I’ve ever had when I was still in junior high school. A girl, she knows me better than anyone. A literal definition of human diary.

Back in the day, her and I used to be friends. We’re so close to the point we would tell each other any occurrence that happened in our lives right away. She’s the girl that I always look up to at the end of the day.

Walking down the school hallway, asking about each other’s love life, going to the nearby minimarket to buy Glico or Cornetto ice cream after school hour, texting each other if something recently happened, crying together by playing the Sheila On 7 songs.

God, we have been through a lot together. Really.

One time I did something that could harm me and she’s the only one who really cares despite everyone were looking down at me for what I did. I remember it well enough that she also cried that day worrying about me. It’s the best thing ever to have her by my side during my girlhood phase.

I confidently will say that what I had with her, back in the day, is the kind of thing that anyone would wanted too for their adolescent life. It’s the kind of friendship that hold a great bond and full of love, I don’t think anyone would understand it. The best girlhood I’ve had when I was fifteen.

Years passed, junior high school was over, three years of senior high school have ended, and the journey of law school comes to an end. I met a lot of new people during those years, good or bad I took it wholeheartedly. Yet, I have no idea what she’s been up to for a long time.

During my senior year in high school, I started to lose contact with her. But it’s pretty reasonable cause we have our own busy schedules, foremostly it happened during the time of our senior year. At the time, I really haven’t heard from her in a while.

A tiny screen of my phone is the only way I can afford to know her life update. She has a boyfriend now, got a job and living good through it, as well as other excited things she did with anyone else. But what makes it different now, is she doesn’t text me to tell any of it anymore.

For now, I hate to admit it but she’s like a stranger that I had a thousand of memories with. A silent witness to every show of my life. But thank God, she’s really there when I was at the lowest point of my life.

I have no regrets when it comes to her. Now, I believe the existence of Indonesian terms that say,

“Setiap orang ada masa nya, setiap masa ada orang nya.”

I can’t force her to keep what we had before. We’re a grown woman now, everything’s not the same anymore as when we’re still fifteen. At the end, we will go down our path differently.

If God give us a chance and crossed our path again somewhere, hope we make a promise not to forget those old days we had together and tell each other that hopefully we’re in a better place now. I’ll make her to recall every single of those old days at night.

She’s a Dorothea,

my Dorothea.



nazilah achmad
Journal Kita

the labyrinth of the world intrigued her to get lost in it, so she wrote to elaborate the bizarre things she discovered.