one cupid’s arrow, please!

Journal Kita
3 min readJun 23, 2024


“ Cupid’s Arrow “ by @annalaura_art

ever wonder what happens when cupid only has one target? not two?

all your life, you thought that love was only meant to be shared to one specific person.

but, i beg to differ.

sometimes there’s only one target,

and it hit me. with no other target, just me.

“ who should they fall in love with? “, asked the cupid.

“ you’re supposed to pick more than one? “

oh, how beautiful it is?

to love oneself meant to love all your surroundings.

falling in love doesn’t necessarily meant you have to spend it on one person.

it is more important to love you, to love everything around you.

when you learnt to love yourself, it is easier to love another and everything else.

and despite all after that, you won’t lose yourself.

because first and foremost, you love yourself. you care for yourself.

fall in love with yourself.

and fall in love to your life, ask with a bright shining eyes if ‘is this all my life? how wonderful is it?’,

and then,

the stars illuminate brighter,

the sky bluer than ever,

the flowers bloomed beautifully,

and oh you, the gentleness preserving more than ever.

little friend, love will be on every steps you take.

every sway of your arms strung melodies tied together to a song,

every tap of your feet turns into a rhythm!

oh, you are indeed the hymn of love.

it doesn’t blind you ever,

of course some parts of life are still cruel.

there are still spiked that hurts you,

and words you swallowed.

but pain doesn’t have to last, you know that?

it will pass.

it isn’t the first time, it won’t be the last.

neverthless, this too shall pass.

the pain will pass, and you’ll prepare to be stronger for further challenges.

the happiness will pass, but so will it appear on one sunny day again.

so, one cupid’s arrow, please!

let me adore the universe,

let me be filled with gratitude to the earth, whom ask for me to stay in my short worthwhile,

let me greet the world when i was born crying,

i have arrived.

and let me bid it goodbye as i am leaving,

i had fun.

one cupid’s arrow,

so i can love, so i can choose to love.

so i have the strength to embrace this vast abstract life.

so i can ask, what’s next? with a grin in my eyes.

once someone has told me, there’s rockier bottom than our current rock bottoms.

oh but that just meant you’ll be lifted even higher right?

the more hurt i am in this life,

the smaller things makes me full of joy.

perhaps then you’ll understand,

the cupid’s arrow wasn’t for two.

it was meant for one,

to love and learn to love,

before perhaps it arrives to another person.

or maybe to a group of friends,

to the three cats in your apartment,


but a cupid’s arrow is only meant for one.

that’s your start.

