One day, it will be too late

Waiting for tomorrow might be our biggest regret.

Indah Raudha J
Journal Kita
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2024



I hope we can all express our feelings with maturity, understanding that emotions such as anger, disappointment, and even hatred are a natural part of ourselves that cannot be ignored. We must have the courage to face and deal with emotions openly, rather than letting them build up and create inner chaos. There’s no need to pretend, it’s better to be honest and firm in stating what we feel, what we want, and what we reject.

People say, “Taking risks is better than regretting.”

It’s easy to fall into the trap of procrastination — believing that there will always be another opportunity, another chance to pursue our dreams, to mend broken relationships, or to express our deepest feelings. But what if there isn’t? What if the tomorrow we so eagerly anticipate never comes?

Maybe if we could look back, we would feel like saying “I regret not listening to my parents advice, I should have paid more attention and taken lessons from their experiences.” or maybe, “If only I hadn’t rushed into making a decision, maybe I could have avoided that painful mistake.” or maybe, “It feels like I’ve wasted precious time, I should be focusing more on the things that are truly important in my life.” or maybe, ”I regret hurting the people I love, I should have been wiser in expressing my feelings and paying better attention to their feelings.” and so on and so forth.

“One day, it will be too late. It will be too late to tell them that you love them. It will be too late to begin again. It will be too late to do all of the things you most desire, so do them now, and do them soon, because no tomorrow is a guarantee, it’s an assumption we make for our own sanity.”

We often take for granted the moments we have, assuming that there will always be another chance to make things right, to pursue our passions, or to mend fences with loved ones. But the truth is, there are no guarantees in life. Tomorrow is not promised, and the only moment we truly have is the present.

We live in a world filled with distractions, obligations, and responsibilities, all vying for our time and attention. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, to postpone our dreams and desires for a more convenient time. But what if that time never comes? What if we wake up one day to realize that the opportunities we once had are gone, lost to the passage of time and our own indecision?

“We have to believe that there will be more because if there weren’t, we’d all be running wild to the things that set our heart ablaze. Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe we all need to live a little more in the possibility of today, rather than the promise of tomorrow.”

Perhaps the problem lies not in the lack of opportunities, but in our own reluctance to seize them. We wait for tomorrow, believing that it will bring with it a better, more opportune moment to pursue our dreams and passions. But in doing so, we risk missing out on the beauty and wonder of today.

Life is too short to be lived in anticipation of tomorrow. We must learn to embrace the urgency of now, to seize the moments we have and make the most of them. Whether it’s telling someone we love them, pursuing a long-held dream, or reconciling with a friend or family member, the time to act is now.

For in the end, it’s not the things we did that we will regret, but the things we left undone. One day, it will be too late.

“Life is a fleeting moment, a delicate balance between seizing opportunities and letting them slip away. To live with regret is to deny the essence of our existence. Embrace the urgency of now, for tomorrow holds no promises.” — Socrates




Indah Raudha J
Journal Kita

Hulla! Exploring the depths of great books and capturing their essence.