People Will Always Talk Talk Talk

Journal Kita
4 min read6 days ago


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As much as I empathize with others, I can never truly get inside their heads, wear their skin, or feel their emotions. Their shoes will never fit me. Similarly, they won’t understand because they are not me.

I often find that people speak without much thought. They frequently speak harshly without considering how their words, which they might perceive as trivial, can be so hurtful. They may not realize that their words carry weight and can crush others’ hopes.

I know it’s easier to judge someone than to understand their reasoning. Some people really like to walk around, sticking their noses into others’ business, then complain about the stench. They criticize others’ without considering their own flaws.

It’s ironic that some go to great lengths to find something to dislike, only to criticize it with others. They rely on others’ failures to feel a sense of achievement. They keep talk-talk as if they are the only one who have mouth, forgetting to use their heart and mind.

I learn it’s crucial to remember that our value doesn’t come from others’ perceptions. People often speak from a place of insecurity, projecting their fears and doubts onto others. When someone criticizes or judges, it’s often more about them than it is about you. They might be grappling with their own issues, using negativity as a way to cope.

Embracing Self-Worth

I’ve come to understand that people love to assume, to speak without basis, and always have something to say. On another note, I have a deep understanding of myself, and it’s my perception of myself that truly matters.

If one day I’m walking down the street with confidence, wearing my favorite shirt, and someone criticizes it as ugly, I won’t let their opinion bother me because I find beauty in it. I tried to differentiate between constructive criticism that would help me grow and mere judgment thrown to put me down.

A Little Reminder

Don’t allow yourself to dwell in a pool filled with negative opinions from others; their views do not define you. Don’t let their meaningless opinions consume you, ruining your day further. Don’t allow their fleeting comments to linger in your mind for a lifetime.

Finding Strength in Self-Validation

There’s immense strength in knowing and valuing yourself. When you have a deep understanding of who you are, others’ opinions lose their power. You no longer seek validation from external sources because you find it within. You appreciate your own efforts, acknowledge your achievements, and learn from your mistakes without harsh self-judgment.

Consider the times you’ve faced criticism. Was what they said true? Do I really need to change myself? Or perhaps were they projecting their own failures? Did they put me down to use me as a punching bag? Was what they said out of love or just hate? What do I think about myself? What about the people who love me? Will they stop talking if I make changes here and there?

There’s a famous quote attributed to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib that goes, “Never explain yourself to anyone. Because those who like you don’t need it, and those who dislike you won’t believe it.”

In the end, it’s your perception of yourself that matters most. No matter what you do, they might always find something to criticize. When you look in the mirror, see the person who has overcome challenges, who has grown, and who continues to strive for a better future. See the person who is worthy of love, respect, and happiness.

The Journey of Self-Acceptance

I realize that self-acceptance is a journey. It doesn’t mean you stop learning or dreaming. It involves recognizing your flaws, embracing your imperfections, and celebrating your uniqueness. It’s about standing taller than others’ opinions.

Life is too short to be weighed down by others’ opinions. It’s your life anyway. As you walk this path, remember that your worth is not determined by others. You are not defined by their judgments. You are defined by your kindness, your resilience, your passions, and your dreams.

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