Social Paradigm: Things You Can & Can’t Control

Journal Kita
2 min read3 hours ago


Maborosi (1995)

We’re living in a world full of expectations, whether it’s your expectations towards yourself, others' expectations towards you, or any other expectations that people have from one to another. Nevertheless, we know that expectations are like the scribbles of something that you want to achieve but to achieve something, we need to put an effort to reach that point we want to achieve.

At a certain point, some people misunderstood themselves. They think they must fulfill everyone's expectations until they exhaust themselves, it’s stressful. “Why do people have that big expectation towards me? What if I didn’t fulfill their expectations? Will they leave me? Will they tell me that I’m not the same person as before? What if-” Those questions keep lingering in their mind. So they will try their best to “not disappoint” others' expectations towards them.

If you’re one of the people, let me ask you this question, “What’s your purpose in life? Do you live your life for yourself or others?”

Sometimes we’re focusing too much on “fulfilling expectations” rather than putting a big effort into the goal itself. In some cases, we did both equally and still didn’t achieve our target. However, we can’t force something to happen because we won’t know what will happen in the future, and although it’s already happened, we can’t blame ourselves for what happened.

There are things we can and can’t control, for example, you can control the way you talk but you can’t control how others will react. You can control your plan for the future, but you can’t control what will happen in the future.

Things that are out of our control are simply not worth thinking about, sometimes we focus too much on the things we can control rather than focus on the things we can control. No need to worry about what others think about you, it’s out of your control. If you ever wondered why some people talk bad behind your back, it doesn’t represent you, it represents themselves.

From now on, focus on the things that are on your control and minimalize thinking about the things that out of your control. You deserve the peace itself, you deserve to live serenely.

Sincerely, Alia.



Journal Kita

Person who's trying to learn about how the world works and wanted to share whatever's on her mind through words.