some words stick forever with others, choose yours wisely.

inside nab’s mind
Journal Kita
4 min readAug 19, 2024



It’s truly fascinating how a couple of words could do so much to others.

On a sunny monday, I could have my day going as I please and one person could say only one word and it’ll ruin my whole day.

After all, words do have powers.

It hurts me that some people are just so tone-deaf they say offensive things non-chalantly. It pains me that they’ll never feel how harsh their words actually are.

I wished that they could swallow them, their words. So that they can finally taste how bitter they are. So that they can finally know how much a couple of words affected me so much.

Words can both heal and tear us to pieces in an instant. As much as I hate to admit, words do leave marks on my mind and soul for much longer than I’d like.

It’s strange, isn’t it? At the end of the day, they’re merely syllables. But they somehow linger on my mind, replaying over and over again until it’s the only thing that I can think about. Until I start to think wether were the words right or not.

Most of the time, it’s the words that were said in a playful manner, in a friendly discussion, in a careless comment, that stayed with me the longest.

I know that they didn’t mean in that way. But I can’t help but wonder about maybe they were right.

Maybe all this time, I didn’t know myself that well to the point other people seemed to know me better than me.

Here’s the thing, words hurt more frequently than comfort you.

The world we live in is a cruel place and sometimes, people could just be harsh for no reason at all.

It hurts me that some people have no self-awareness at all when they converse with other people.

Do they not think twice before talking? Surely they must know that whatever they’re going to say next is going to hurt the person they’re talking to. Right?

It hurts my heart to see people not being their true self all because non-chalant comments they received.

It hurts me even more that there are people out there who says those words on purpose.

I see little girls, quiting their hobbies for being called ‘too cringe.’

I see little boys, silently crying in the middle of the night so they’re not a ‘crybaby’ anymore.

I see teenagers, being more closed off because that one time their ‘friend’ called them fat.

I see mothers, hating their body more each day for making them look ugly on their husband’s eyes.

I see myself, questioning myself even more, all because someone said that I’m only smart and my personality is fucking shit.

I see how powerful words are. How even one simple sentence could start a war. How even one simple syllable could change everything.

It’s such a shame that not everyone realize this power that they have.

It’s such a shame that people are saying sensitive and cruel things without thinking of the effect it will leave.

It’s such a shame.

Earlier in my life, I was not a good individual. I said things without thinking how it will effect people, I commented on things solely based on a bias perspective, and I hadn’t realize how powerful my words were yet.

I’d like to think that I’ve grown to be a better person now. I sincerely hope so.

I try my best to think how my sentences will affect other people.

I try my best to always say kind things.

I try, I swear I do.

So why then do I sometimes don’t get the same treatment?

Why do people could be so cruel?

It amazes me when I see people around me say the most outrageous things human kind could ever come up with. It amazes me even more that afterwards, they don’t look guilty.

It’s as if they didn’t just said slurs that could offend a whole community.

In all honesty, it took me quite some time to realize that not everyone is as aware as I am.

I realize that there’s so much that I hadn’t yet seen, how they were raised, what were their believes, their friends and families, and so on.

But that doesn’t excuse their behavior. That doesn’t mean they can be spiteful.

Think before you speak.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

All of these reminders seem to not matter that much anymore right now. Is being nice not cool anymore?

A reality where people could actually implement and embody the fact that their words have power on other people is a reality where I’d be able to live in peace.

Though, it seems like I wouldn’t be able to live a peaceful life anytime soon.

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Hi, nab’s speaking!

Thank you for reading :) Feel free to reach me out on my insta if you want to talk more!

insta: @/whosnabilah



inside nab’s mind
Journal Kita

currently 16 and confused | digital diary ✉️ contact me on insta: @whosnabilah