Therena A.N. Dias
Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2024



Take me to the life where I flourish like a dandelion seed, where I soar upon the wind, feeling wild and free rather than confined. Just wherever I live for my own sake and not for anyone else. I’m a hand puppet on strings — so can I just have control over myself? Living a stagnant life, I can’t even react or act, lost in a sea of “what ifs,” drowning in uncertainty. I have no clue; maybe I’m just too afraid to rise.

Take me to a life where my soul isn’t disoriented, where I know exactly how to feel. Where I don’t feel meaningless and don’t constantly apologize for my existence. Sometimes, the sorrow of being rooted in reality makes me feel like an empty shell. Soulless, like the walking dead, every step forward reduces me until only bone and skin remain. But I still have no idea what’s going on — it’s just a blur, that’s all. I used to think the world I was born into no longer existed. Oh, to be a child, with filters on their eyes so the world looks so exciting, big, and beautiful. Now, I just felt like I’m the small amidst all the big, so when I do something either true or wrong, it makes no different. As a child, I dreamed of being a dandelion seed, a bird, anything that truly free and unburdened. But now nothing changed at all; always with the same pain and the same desire. I just want to escape from this cage, let me be free, but the only I got is the feeling only worsened.

