the moon doesn’t get enough credit

Journal Kita
2 min readMay 16, 2024


the sun is overrated. i prefer choosing the moon.

NASA, the moon’s surface
NASA, the moon’s surface

Don’t you think the moon really loves our earth?

Yeah, we should really talk about it. I don’t think we gave enough appreciation of how the moon taking care of our earth so far.

I love the moon for it doesn’t have to ignite flame to make its body shine so brightly for the earth to see.

I love the moon for it doesn’t have to be one of the greatest stars in the galaxy to protect the earth.

I love the moon for it doesn’t have to show any explicitly obvious effort for the earth to understand the importance of its existence.

We always talk about how the sun brings the warm and the light in our lives.

We always talk about how the sun helps the trees during photosynthesis.

We always talk about how the sun’s gravity keeps our earth in place during its rotation and revolution.

Why don’t we talk about how the moon could shine despite the lack of source of flames? Or how the moon is reflective of a certain amount of sunlight so the sun wouldn’t be too hot it could crack?

How about we talk about the way the moon’s gravity controls our dynamo core? The way it is responsible for our magnetic field that helps protect us from the radiation of the flaming sun?

Well, the moon really doesn’t get enough credit.

I wish every person could understand this. I wish they know how the moon willingly do lots of things so subtly for our earth that no one notices how significant it is for our lives.

This is why I love the saying “I love you to the moon and back”. Why don’t we just say “I love you to the sun and back”?

I think, the thing is that, we’ll always prefer the safer lane, we prefer the moon over the sun because apparently, we unconsciously understand that the sun is somewhat dangerous for some point at our lives.

Unconsciously, we always find ourselves prefer something that is just enough. Not too much, not too little. Not too dark, not too bright. Not too much flames, not too little flames. Just, the-right-amount enough.

The moon loves our earth just enough. It is so subtle it feels so beautiful we couldn’t phrase it into word.

I hope we, me and you, will someday understand how it feels to love and to be loved in the way our moon loves our earth unconditionally.

