Time to show yourself how the pain has shaped you

Journal Kita
2 min readSep 7, 2024


Photo by Pedro Velasco on Unsplash

Life is a tragicomedy and God is a comic master of it. You have spent years thinking, crying, tearing your hair, banging your head against the wall. Digesting all the feelings, the misery, the pain. Just so you can be exhausted and breathe for a while. Just breathe, let go of all the baggage in your heart. Feel nothing, think nothing, expect nothing.

And that’s when God said “Gotcha”.

Suddenly your life turns upside down, turns in on itself. You have no brain capacity or life experience to comprehend it, all you can do is enjoy it. Look at the spinning landscape and try your best not to puke.

Now you’re back at the starting point, a new one, but a start nonetheless.

Only this time you already knew what to do, what to expect and how to react. You have an A to Z plan for every possibility and scenario. Something not everyone can do, let alone think of. Making plans is one thing, executing them is another.

Now is the time to shine.

The fluctuations, the ups and downs don’t define you. Hell, even the end doesn’t define you. It’s how you write your own story. It’s how you make it fun, for yourself and for the readers. It’s how you make them feel when you want them to feel. It’s how you make them laugh, even when the world is against you.

Now it’s time to show them how pain has shaped you,
It’s time to show the world how the numbness has made you stronger, but no less human.
It’s time to show her that your love is not something to be avoided, it’s time to show the ‘other one’ that she would never take the wheel, the wheel of your life.

