to exist is to fall for something we never see

Journal Kita
2 min readJun 16, 2024


ah…human, the slave of probability.

well, that sounds about right.

there are times when the probability of something impossible simply outweighs the certainty of anything else.

i think about this often, that we tend to unintentially love the possibility of the impossibles. we naturally have the desire to be wanting something that is forbidden, something that we’re not allowed to.

we’re inherently curious about the certainty of things. we’re always unconsciously asking ourselves why people swear us to secrecy.

we’re easily tempted. it’s natural so let’s not forget that. i don’t like science, but i do love humans and the idea of it. humans are attractive. they are something you can neither read nor predict.

science has theories. the ironic processes and the white-bear problem are two of them. they offer an explanation for why people are more drawn to things that are prohibited.

in the experiment of the study, people were instructed to think of anything while being prohibited from thinking of white bears. and i suppose we already know what will occur.

when people make an effort to deliberately ignore a particular notion, that thought may become more ingrained and powerful in their minds.

rather than accomplishing the intended result of evading the thought, suppressing it seems to make it more prominent and frequent.

secrets, restrictions, limitations. they all sound so attractive. the feeling of desiring and wanting what is forbidden, what is unavailable, is somewhat exciting. it’s alluring.

we’re already given lots of things in our lives. and the existence of a single impossible, unavailable thing suddenly makes more sense and then we stop being aware of anything else.

falling for something everyone forbids us to, is somehow, i dont know, it’s crazy how enchanting it feels. it’s crazy how sometimes the probability of someone simply outweighs the certainty of anyone else.

we’re just humans in a world full of uncertainties. we’re just people who foolishly fall for something we never see.

and all we are are individuals who find security in a hypothetical home that has every possibility of anything we are unable to obtain.

