What if I Wasn’t Scared?

What would have happened if I took that first step

Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2024


Image by Prerna on Pinterest

Throughout my life, I’ve often felt scared. I grew up in a family that deeply valued academics, skills, hobbies, and good manners. From a young age, I felt immense pressure not to let them down and disappoint them. My mom was always concerned about people’s opinions, and my dad had a reputation to uphold. Living in that environment, I developed a deep-seated fear of failure.

This fear has kept me from starting many things I have wanted to do. I have so many ideas and dreams, yet the thought of failing and embarrassing myself has kept me frozen. The “what ifs” have been paralyzing. What if it doesn't work? What if I fail and everyone sees?

Looking back, I realize how many opportunities I’ve missed. I’ve turned down job offers, not started to write sooner, and countless other chances slipped through my fingers, all because I was too scared to take a step. I was afraid of uncertainty, afraid of failing, afraid of being rejected and afraid of people’s opinions.

I talked to my therapist, and she said,

Until when are you going to be like this? How long are you going to let opportunities pass by? Are you waiting to be ready all of your life, and you don’t even know when that will be, or will you just do it and take the risk? And if it doesn’t work, find another way that will work for you.

That statement made me realize I don’t need to wait until I feel ready because I don’t know when that moment might come. My dad once told me,

You don’t feel ready because you haven’t prepared. At least you need to experience it first for once and learn from your mistake so that when you take another chance, you know how to do it better than before. Do it, and don’t ever stop trying. There is always a first time in everything. Take the first step and you will find your way eventually.

The truth is, you will never really know if you’re ready until you start.

So, I ask myself: What would I have done if I hadn’t been scared? Now, I’m choosing to find out, and maybe you should, too. It's okay. It doesn’t have to be big; just take a little step forward.

Hey, Readers! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Have you ever been held back by fear? How did you overcome it? Drop your thoughts in the comment section, and let’s discuss!



Journal Kita

Life always has new surprises and can always provide adventure✨