Win over your own heart.

Journal Kita
2 min readJul 14, 2024


We were playing at the balcony in a fine morning, me and my son. I could still sense a great emptiness inside me although the sky was so beautiful at that time. We started the day with a very weak physical strength, barely get up with some nifty moods. Failed to hide my crabby attitude, my son had to witness huge anger of mine during our toothbrushing session. It was supposed to be fun.

Take a pause. Really. Resting could mean anything for everyone. You don’t have to sleep. Sleep may generate worse condition for some. You don’t get to comprehend the condition, you might just be running away from the core problem. Do I even know the center-piece of my own issue? I sound more like a confused person in her 30s. We all might.

We also might find many great tips about motivation, how to maneuver the loss of appealing day to day eagerness in furtherance. Being caught in a snare of unwillingness to do anything extraordinary but guess what? Our body has what’s called hormones which have always been there since you were born; serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin. We gotta promote, moreover harness it to actually make them all worked out. Our body is fighting so hard for our own goodness we need to give permission for them to be activated.

Serotonin rises when you enjoy calmness including when you consume the vit D! Who’d knew. Try.

The easiest way to meet your endorphins could be when you consume the food of your day. Watch humourous momentum or even laughing at the ugliest memory in your life.

I could swear I’m also the one who barely acknowledge the existance of a dopamine in my body. Completing small tasks as a stay at home Mother and feel relieved about it is one moment where the dopamine emerges. That is why I often feel so relaxed at night seeing my baby has been well-fed, protected, cleaned and rested. So you see it’s not always how big the activity is, should be one where the activity is accumulated although fluctuated.

Lastly, oxytocin. You will only be able to revisit this hormone if you put some efforts. Pet an animal, do a good deed, hug someone, talk a loved one on the phone, spend time with friends. As a Mother, the source of nutritions, it’s quite tricky as I supremely in need of this hormone for everyday survival. Only recently I found out in order to gain rendezvous with this hormone is not only by receiving the love of others but also by giving.

