words that altered my brain chemistry since i was fifteen

something I wouldn’t forget ever since.

nazilah achmad
Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2024


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Perhaps I don’t deserve nice things cause I am paying for sins I don’t remember.

That quote has been lingered on my mind since 2017. When I found out, it turns out from Rupi Kaur’s Milk and Honey book. I found it through my Instagram account while I was scrolling it.

I was fifteen years old when I first saw it. It has been stuck on my mind since then. I don’t know how, but that quote left an imprint in my head.

Ever since, I always try to make sense everything that happened to me. Whether I deserved it or not, I’ll take it wholeheartedly. While deep down inside, I’ll be questioning myself to sleep at night.

What makes it even worse, is that I found it when I was still in my past relationship with someone. That quote made me blame myself even more for what happened between us. It makes me think I deserved to be treated that way.

It’s getting worse, at least for me. Amid the situation, I started waking up at three in the morning all of sudden. At that time, it happened continuously until it became a habit.

It felt like I really don’t deserve nice things at all for what I have done to us. Even though for some moment, I sometimes feel like it’s not fair cause I was the only one who’s been punished at those times. But still, I always remind myself that (perhaps) I really deserve it.

Looking back to it with my wiser vision, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I shouldn’t have punished myself and take all the blame on me. It’s just not fair for a fifteen years old girl.

With my wiser vision that I hold onto, I shouldn’t view my sins as something that hold me back from seeing good things. Cause I think that God has divided our portions fairly, both good or bad things. It’s a little principle I hold to live my life peacefully.

Whether I deserved it or not, if it’s fair or not, I will always choose to believe that God has given the best of all for me. I choose to believe it, no matter what circumstances I’ve been in. And I guess it’s the best way to live.

I would never blame Him even though I had tears in my eyes, silent battles in my head, and plenty of doubt in my heart.



nazilah achmad
Journal Kita

the labyrinth of the world intrigued her to get lost in it, so she wrote to elaborate the bizarre things she discovered.