PinnedHaikal SatriaSubmitting to Journal KitaYou have a piece you want to submit to a publication, but don’t know where? We’ll be glad to give your piece a home.Oct 1465Oct 1465
Tasya TaranusyuracoffeeOh love, I could drink you in over and over, a dozen cups wouldn’t be enough.1d ago21d ago2
Galih RomadhonDo You Love Her Because She Is Beautiful, or Is She Beautiful Because You Love Her?The question had lingered in his mind for a while, a quiet mystery he couldn’t shake: Do I love her because she is beautiful, or is she…1d ago21d ago2
loonyloveNo one truly masters the flow of life —I dedicate this snippet of the story to my fellow early 20s.1d ago11d ago1
RaishaTo All The Woman I’ve Offended Before... In My HeadEver have those moments where your brain decides to be a judge, jury, and critic on things that don’t even make sense? I do. And more often…1d ago11d ago1