Dear Coffee Shops…

Amy Usherwood
Amy Writes
Published in
2 min readMay 24, 2020

An ode to the freelance space I love.

Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

I’m writing to let you know how much I miss you.

I miss sitting inside your cosy, aesthetically pleasing, and cleverly branded walls. I often sat in your large front facing windows, watching the world stroll by as I sipped a tasty beverage. Hot ones in the winter, cold ones in the summer, but sometimes it didn't matter. I’ll be honest — I freelanced my best freelancing when I sat on your hard seats — perhaps it’s the uncomfortability of their rock like exterior that often helped me steer clear of thoughtlessly opening multiple internet tabs to help me procrastinate.

Anyways — enough skirting around the real issue at hand here — I haven’t been the same without you. I just… haven’t. Truthfully, I didn’t know the connection we had until it was gone. I miss hearing the scream of the milk steamer. The sound of your espresso machine turning on with a rumble, eventually evolving into the subtle drip of coffee at the bottom of a — 100% recyclable — paper cup. The front counter’s exchange with the homeless man getting his fourth refill of the day. The business transactions in the dark back corner near the washrooms. The awkward first dates that I’ve had the privilege to eaves drop on (okay dude, it’s a conversation, not a monologue).

As a freelancer, it was like leasing office space for the cost of a drink. So ya… i’ve been feeling a bit lost. A little… opposite of inspired. This 30-something Canadian, is looking forward to the very extraordinary day when sitting, and working inside your shop will once again become a very usual, possibly mundane, yet always meaningful-to-me routine, once again.





Amy Usherwood
Amy Writes

Christian of the reformed variety. Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Singer-Songwriter based in Ottawa, ON.