Employability Skills for Young People

Create your own vision board

A great way to unleash your creativity and visualize your ideal life and career


Image by Amber Housley, source here

A vision board (or a mood board, or a dream board) is a visualization tool to build a collage of words and pictures that represent your goals, wishes, and dreams.

You might think: “Oh — this is so childish!”

Or you might resist the idea because you do not have time: “Oh, this is a luxury. I do not have time and space in my life for such fantasies.”

Or, you might say: “I am not creative enough to do this.”

Let me tell you: None of these voices in your head reflect reality. Creating a vision board will take about one hour or so. It does not require any special skills, talents, or creativity. If you want to do it, you can easily do it. It is certainly not a fantasy or luxury activity — the activity provides you much-needed focus and clarity.

Why should you create a vision board?

Creating a vision board and putting it on your office wall or corner is one of the easiest, but greatest creative investments you will ever make.



Fahri Karakas
Journal of Curiosity, Imagination, and Inspiration

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.