Video Essay/Masterclass

Why you need to celebrate what makes you weird

Embracing your weirdness is the key to your authenticity


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

In this video essay and masterclass, I will focus on one key factor that will tremendously increase your happiness and your quality of life:

That one key is embracing, and even amplifying, your weirdness.

I regularly teach my students and professionals a small workshop titled “Celebrate and Embrace Your Weirdness!”

Doodle Artwork titled “Be Your Weird Self” by Fahri Karakas

Embracing your own weird will make you happier and more productive.

Your inner voice might resist this thesis at first:

Most people are often averse to someone who is weird.

Weirdness is not regarded as a good label to have.

Think of the enormous pressures of conformity we have faced when we were at school.

We have been always conditioned to be ‘normal’. Or appear to be normal.

No one wants to be perceived as a ‘weirdo’, after all.



Fahri Karakas
Journal of Curiosity, Imagination, and Inspiration

Associate Professor in Business & Leadership at University of East Anglia. Passionate about doodling, imagination, and creativity. Author of Self-Making Studio.