11 Essential Touch Healing Techniques…From Ask Lewis

Journal of Journeys
6 min readJan 7, 2024


The power of touch and movement re-education

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Massage/Bodywork is the rubbing or kneading of the body’s soft tissues, and the tapping into the body’s “wireless anatomy” (Qi, Ki, or Chi). Add movement to this and you have a powerful holistic healing system.

I have been doing this type of healing work for over fifty years.

Massage/Bodywork techniques are commonly applied with fingers, hands, knees, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or a manual or electric device.

The purpose of Massage/Bodywork is generally for the treatment of structural and energetic imbalances, and to address body or emotional stress or pain.

In professional settings, clients are treated while sitting in a specially designed massage chair or lying on a massage table, or a mat on the floor.

There are 10 primary Massage/Bodywork techniques that most people take to intuitively.

These 10 techniques have many benefits. Kneading is especially useful for firming weak muscles.

Of all these bodywork techniques, all are energetically or structurally oriented. The structural ones are invaluable in paralysis and in all cases where there has been tissue degeneration. They can be applied easily anywhere on the body except the shins, bony joints, and the skull.

1. Energy Sourcing: This is the basic technique used to develop sensitivity to Chi. It is an essential skill for all Qi — energy-based healing.

2. Muscle Kneading: The Muscle Kneading Technique may be done across the muscle to break down superficial adhesions or simply to reduce muscle cramping, and increase muscle tone and circulation. In working with muscles near a bone that has been fractured (and has already had the cast removed), or near a sprain, muscle kneading is the technique to choose.

Caution: Avoid using this kneading in any situation where deep pressure is ill-advised such as hypertension, heart disease, cancer, or irritated skin.

3. Rhythmic Pressure Point Bodywork: Pressure Point Bodywork is an energetic approach to what is commonly called acupressure. This approach can be applied in several ways.

  • Jin Shin: A pattern of prolonged holding, (one to five minutes) of key acupressure points along the meridians.
  • “First Aid”: This approach is less concerned with balancing energy and focuses more on an instant approach to pain and discomfort. Specific points are pressed for the temporary relief of common problems.

4. Increasing Joint Motion: This is a gentle movement to help evaluate areas requiring healing and improve flexibility in the joints. You can evaluate certain factors in a person’s emotional life by the condition of the muscles associated with each joint. By working each joint through its range of motion you can release emotional holding points while reducing muscular tension.

5. Pull and Stretch Traction: This technique helps to expand tight muscles and restricted joints. A natural, non-stress traction it gives a sensation of openness and warmth throughout the body.


6. Expanding the Internal Ch: This is a passive preparation technique that is done before a full Hands-On-Healing/Massage Session.

7. Polarity Similars: Polarity Similars is an extremely gentle technique. It is based on the concept that there is an energetic reflex action between certain body parts. By placing one hand on the point of blockage and the second on its corresponding reflex the body’s healing power is stimulated and the energy is balanced.

There are hundreds of such reflex points. For simplicity and clarity, many of these reflex points are listed throughout the workbook.

8. Chi Balancing: Chi Balancing is a technique for tapping directly into the body's healing energy field. It is a very gentle contact and at times the practitioner is barely touching the client or not touching them at all. It is one of the entry-level techniques for those interested in becoming professional energetic practitioners.

9. Circular Pressure Point Bodywork: In addition to pinpointing energy blockages, this specialized form of Pressure Point Bodywork is used to relieve deep-rooted muscle tension, structural problems, and restrictions in the range of motion. A rhythmic circular motion is the technique to choose for muscle spasms or cramps and is one of the main techniques for healing damaged tissue and reducing the formation of scar tissue after surgery or sprains. It can be done very lightly or with firm pressure.

10. Gravity Rocking: This very gentle technique is used to release surface tension and superficial energy blocks in the body and to stimulate the sensory-motor nerves, thus readying the body for other techniques. Muscle Rock is excellent for removing both emotional and physical tension and consequently is a very good way to prepare the body for a complete Energetic Bodywork session. It is a technique that mimics the rocking motion that a mother might use in soothing a child. Gravity Rocking is a very soothing technique that seems to create a sense of tranquility between the giver and the receiver in much the same way that a mother’s rocking has a soothing effect on both the mother and baby. It is valuable for those in a state of fear or terror.

11. The Muscle Hug: This technique is used when a muscle is tight, flaccid, or weak. Its purpose is to bring strength and tone to the muscle. Although this technique is performed most easily on the legs, arms, and head, it can be done on all of the muscles. This technique should be applied on the bare skin since it is not very effective when done through clothing. It is most effective when used on the buttocks, the upper and lower arms, and the upper and lower legs.

The Takeaway

There are many different modalities in the Massage/Bodywork profession, including (but not limited to): deep tissue, shiatsu, manual lymphatic drainage, medical, sports, structural integration, emotional release, somatics, Swedish, Thai, acupressure, and trigger point. All of these including the Techniques have mapped out here can be transformative.

©Lewis Harrison, all rights reserved.

Before you go…

I am Lewis Harrison, an award-winning author of over twenty books on personal growth and strategic thinking. For over a decade I was the producer and host of the show “What’s Up” on NPR-affiliated WIOX FM in New York.

Now, aside from writing on Medium, and connecting personally with my readers, I teach seminars and speak on personal development, and life strategies throughout the world.

I am also the director of the Mystic’s Academy

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Journal of Journeys

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism - askLewis.com