Part of the Global Ascension Series

“5D” is the New “Heaven”

[Updated November 4, 2021] The spiritual 5th Dimension has quickly become everyone’s new hope in life.

Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness
12 min readNov 18, 2020


by Jacek Dziurdzikowski

Non-Medium subscribers can access this full article paywall-free here.


[1] Christian & New Age Heavens
[2] Similarities
— [2.1] Suffer Now for a Future Reward
[3] Differences
— [3.1] When Will We Reach Heaven?
— [3.2] What is Heaven Like?
— [3.3] Heaven (and Hell) is Here and Within Us
[4] My Perspective
[5] Time as an Illusion
[6] What happened to 4D?

[1] Christian & New Age Heavens

CHRISTIANITY holds the idea of “Heaven” as the salvation that humans will achieve for leading a “good” life on this sin-filled planet Earth. At least that is how I have viewed the Christian Heaven.

But, in response to this article, a Christian also told that Heaven is the reward for those who recognize and accept Jesus as their savior. That is because we are all sinners, and it…



Alan Lew
New Earth Consciousness

Anything and Everything is Possible in an Infinite Universe — (paywall-free article links)