A Focus on Yoga

or What I have noticed, especially during gaps, the longer I practice.

Stacy J. Belinsky
Journal of Journeys


Do you have a “go to” exercise routine? Whether an outdoor or indoor studio, my favorite has been instructor-led yoga.

Before I began doing any yoga, I would notice severe aches or pains more often than the subtle shifts. Those aches usually didn’t mean much to the doctors. What felt severe to me did not show as something obvious or worth doing anything about (yet) to the doctor.

A lot of times it felt like being between a rock and a hard place. I had to learn to live with how I felt, somehow. It could mean Ibuprofen or a long nap. Although not often, it possibly disrupted the regular routine or schedule of my life.

My Yoga History

I have been practicing yoga for about 8 years. First, I participated in classes offered at the gym and at the student recreation center. My first instructor happened to be at both!

A few years ago, I came to a point where I knew I needed to do yoga more often than current classes offered. By this time, I happened to live a few blocks from a studio — a five-minute walking distance!

On my first visit, I learned I could pay $20 (now $22) and try as many classes as I wanted to for two weeks. Perfect timing!



Stacy J. Belinsky
Journal of Journeys

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