
At-Home Dads Are Good Parents Too

We own this job

Anthony C. Fireman
Journal of Journeys
6 min readDec 9, 2020


Photo by Jonnelle Yankovich on Unsplash

I’ve been staying at home long before Covid-19 infected the nation.

In 2005, my wife and I married, and 5 years thereafter, our son was born. And since The Great Recession receded my real estate business faster than my hairline, we reviewed our finances and agreed that she’d be the one to work. The next thing I knew I was swapping business suits for sweat suits while being baptized by the fire that is childcare.

In the beginning, I couldn’t help but feel derailed into a role. In 2000, I earned an MBA from Northeastern University, moved to New York, and thought I’d be in a corner office on Wall Street negotiating pipeline deals through Uruguay. Little did I realize 9 years after 9/11, this little boy, along with his little sister, rocks my wallet and my world too.

Of course, parenting isn’t easy. Any one of them will tell you the goal is to have happy and healthy children. However, I’m ten years into this job, and the fact they’re still alive makes me think I’m starting to figure this parenting thing out.

Although moms still outnumber at-home dads, you’d think our communities would respect pops for breaking down gender stereotypes, especially when today, diversity is a thing. Come and meet us. We’re young, old…

