Comforting Words From The Past

Jennifer Marla Pike
Journal of Journeys
4 min readMar 30, 2020


Reflections on 5 quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt and how they relate to our COVID life

It’s a time of uncertainty and, I’ll admit it, I’m scared. I’m trying to keep my spirits up, sharing bits of humor where I can, and talking about all of the positives with my teenager.

But it doesn’t keep me from being frightened.

I’m scared for the people who have lost their jobs. I’m scared for the people who are sick. For those who are dying and for those who can’t be with loved ones who are sick or dying.

I’m scared about the health care system being overrun and those professionals having to make choices nobody with a human heart should have to make.

To help myself through this, I went in search of inspirational quotes. And found Eleanor Roosevelt.

These are words from a long time ago, but I find tremendous comfort here. I feel like these quotes can help us now if we put them into our current life-context.

Here’s what I’m taking from Eleanor Roosevelt and I am working to use this…



Jennifer Marla Pike
Journal of Journeys

I'm here to support writers, and share my writing as well. I hope to improve myself and make some creative friends.