Debunking the Progressive Myth of Everybody is Doing the Best They Can

Brian Brewington
Journal of Journeys
3 min readDec 21, 2020


Photo by Philipp Kämmerer on Unsplash

I’ll admit, it’s a warm and fuzzy thought. Which makes it suck to have to be the one to come and pour cold water all over it so publicly — but some things are simply a matter of duty. If I don’t do it, nobody will. Especially not here.

I’ll start with me. Do you know where I would be in life if I unconditionally did the best I could, one hundred percent of the time? There’s no telling.

I wish I did the best I could, even most of the time — but the cold hard truth is I don’t. I don’t know I ever have, actually. To give my all? Yes, there have been moments. Often involving physical strength. Because there are caps to that. A person can only push or pull so hard or lift so much weight at one time.

But as far as what we humans are capable of mentally — or of achieving in terms of performance — there are simply no boundaries. We are capable of truly amazing feats. Yet most of the time, we are our average selves at best. We meddle in mediocrity and allow the feel-good types to push this narrative we’re all busy doing the best we can. It’s horseshit and it’s time someone called it what it is out loud.

Be honest, if only with yourself quietly — are you always doing the best you can? I mean one hundred percent of the time, in everything.



Brian Brewington
Journal of Journeys

Writing About the Human Condition, via My Thoughts, Observations, Experiences, and Opinions — Founder of Journal of Journeys and BRB INC ©