Living with Migraine — Help or Get Out of the Way

A guide to helping migraine sufferers live with the incurable neurological disease affecting 12% of the worldwide population


According to the Migraine Research Foundation, an estimated one billion people worldwide are affected by migraines. You probably know one of us.

We are not weak. We may be absent from life as you know it, but we are fighting to return.

We all have crosses to bear and struggles to overcome. Know that we are well armed with the determination to fight the monster residing in our brains and the knowledge to retrieve our stolen lives.

Friends and family are not obligated to extend a helping hand. Do not, however, stand in our way.

I’m one of the lucky ones, averaging only one or two migraines a month. Nevertheless, catching the gaze of unsympathetic, judgmental eyes is as devastating as the time lost forever to this debilitating illness.

“When I have a headache, I take aspirin and keep working. Why can’t you?”

“Calling in sick when you aren’t sick is abusing the company policy.”

Co-workers and bosses have accused me of being weak and unethical. I am neither.



Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads
Journal of Journeys

Ex-accountant, lifetime cat lover and avid wearer of hats. Author of Walking Old Roads available on Visit me at